Since the introduction of toxic chemicals into our environment, more than 70,000 synthetic chemicals are now used commercially. The question I ask is

Do these chemicals truly enhance our lives or are we actually polluting ourselves, our reproductive health and our children's health?

It can be difficult to know exactly how many of these chemicals are actually harmful especially since only a handful of these potential environmental toxins have been adequately tested to determine their effect on humans and other forms of life.

Most of us have heard about dioxins. However, are you aware that dioxins are part of a family of 219 different chemicals? Research is now showing that dioxin exposure is a key factor in cancers and other reproductive health problems including miscarriages, endometriosis and fertility issues. Birth defects in newborns can often be traced to the mother's environment during pregnancy. Leaving our children facing enormous health risks caused by environmental toxins.


Ever had a look at the ingredients on the side of your tampon box? Many tampons are made from a combination of synthetic fibres such as:-

  • rayon (tree pulp) which is commonly chlorine bleached and is highly absorbent. “Currently marketed tampons manufactured in the United States are made from rayon or rayon/cotton blends and have been shown to amplify TSST-1 [toxic shock syndrome toxin-1] in vitro *
  • polypropylene over wrapper. With the skin of the vulva being the most sensitive on a woman's body it can easily be irritated by polypropylene.
  • Cotton that has the potential to have been sprayed with insecticides. “Organic cotton production is the only farming system by which cotton is produced entirely free of chemical pesticides - and thereby without the risks that such chemicals pose to human health and the environment.” “In total the world’s farmers apply a staggering US$1,310 million of insecticides to cotton each year; outstripping all other major crops in terms of insecticide applications which supports the view that cotton has become the world’s ‘dirtiest’ agricultural commodity.”
  • LIFE & SOUL ESSENTIALS: Effect on Me

    Your attitudes shape your inner world. Think about the difference in atmosphere created by someone who is good humoured and relaxed and a tense, uptight person. You are affecting other people constantly.


    The presence of dioxin, a by-product of the chlorine-bleaching process is controversial. Whilst some will say that the amount of dioxin is barely detectable, the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) says that there is no known safe level of dioxin exposure. Dioxin has been linked to auto-immune disorders, central nervous system toxicity, hormonal disruptions, learning disabilities, and various cancers..

    As reported in The Village Voice, February 7,1995, evidence is growing that even low levels of dioxins may be linked to cancer, a tendency toward endometriosis, low sperm counts and immune system suppression. To date, there is no specific policy outlining acceptable exposure levels to dioxin.


    As well as the potential health benefits, there are environmental benefits of using organic cotton. “In a bid to reduce toxins, we’ve developed the Jolie range of organic tampons, which are made from cotton grown using natural methods, with no harsh insecticides and are bleached with oxygen, instead of chlorine gas,” By choosing an organic cotton tampon you are making a positive choice for your own health and the environment.


    Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2:140-145 (1994) “Propensity of Tampons and Barrier Contraceptives to Amplify Staphylococcus aureus Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin"

    EJF, 2007, “The Deadly Chemicals in Cotton”, Environmental Justice Foundation in collaboration with Pesticide Action Network UK, London UK ISBN No. 1-904523-10-2

    The material in this site is provided for personal, educational and informational purposes only. You should always seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation